Hi, everyone! There have been a few changes on the forum, check out the Announcements board to see what they are.
We're almost done fixing everything here on Roleplay Addicts, everyone! We encourage you to make suggestions for things in the Bugs & Suggestions forum.
Your beloved co-founder BACKDROPsilhouette has generously contributed credits so we don't have ads for one whole year as well as our own domain name. Please update your bookmarks so that they point to www.roleplayaddicts.com!
The admins would like to encourage our current members to get to know everyone on the forum and start some roleplays with each other! As for our lurking guests, we bite pretty hard but I guarantee you'll like it, so sign up!

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Let's Play Make Believe! (IC)

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Free Roleplay

Roleplays for members who prefer no grammar rules, speed posting and one liners. A perfect starting point for new roleplayers.
11Fantasy Walk-in
Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:23 pm
RP Addicts GM View latest post
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Casual Roleplays

Roleplays with mild grammar rules, one or two paragraphs, and mild plot and character development go here.
18Into the Deep {Kitty...
Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:26 am
Serian View latest post
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Advanced Roleplay

Members can post roleplays with high standards in grammar, plot and character development. These roleplays are generally three plus paragraphs.
215The Rapture Hustle {...
Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:56 am
Placebo Jones View latest post
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