Hi, everyone! There have been a few changes on the forum, check out the Announcements board to see what they are.
We're almost done fixing everything here on Roleplay Addicts, everyone! We encourage you to make suggestions for things in the Bugs & Suggestions forum.
Your beloved co-founder BACKDROPsilhouette has generously contributed credits so we don't have ads for one whole year as well as our own domain name. Please update your bookmarks so that they point to www.roleplayaddicts.com!
The admins would like to encourage our current members to get to know everyone on the forum and start some roleplays with each other! As for our lurking guests, we bite pretty hard but I guarantee you'll like it, so sign up!

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1Interest Check Guidelines Empty Interest Check Guidelines Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:32 am


First and foremost, we want to say welcome to our humble little forum. We’re super glad you’ve finally made it to our interest checkpoint, har har. In this post Backdrop and I will outline what you can put in your interest check to find suitable partners for roleplaying. If something isn’t clear, feel free to contact one of us and we’ll be happy to help you out.

Nothing real fancy here. You can put things like availability, time zone, and literacy level here. In order to reduce the amount of abandoned roleplays for both members and the forum itself, we strongly recommend that you state your literacy level. Another bit of information you can add is your frequency. How often do you post? How long are you willing to wait for a post? State which gender pairing you’d prefer to play such as heterosexual couples (mxf) or homosexual couples (fxf, mxm). It would be a good idea to share which gender you prefer to be, male or female. And finally, you can include the medium you’d prefer: threads, PMs; and the best way to contact you: PMs, Skype.

Do’s & Don’ts
Everyone has limits on what they will and will not roleplay. Write them out, like gore or violence, smut, age gaps, kinks/fetishes, romance, et cetera. Try to be specific, but don’t worry, this is also something you can talk about with your potential partner. Don’t forget to include whether you enjoy playing fandoms (movies, books, games) or original characters.

Pairings & Plots
Have a specific couple or plot you want to play? List it out to see if anyone else is interested in roleplaying it. For example: Angel x Demon for a pairing or write out a paragraph or so about a plot you have in mind. Use a symbol or a smiley to indicate interest in a plot or pairing.

Other stuff
After you’ve included the rest of your information, you can add other stuff you care to mention. You can also include a link to your samples. There is a section in the OOC board where you can start a thread. You can put other roleplay posts, character biographies/journals, or whip something up on the spot.

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